羅伯特·庫恩:中國城市化進程助推經(jīng)濟奇跡 為全球帶來積極影響丨三中全會·世界觀

發(fā)布時間:2024年08月19日 20:21     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

  近日,美國中國問題專家、美國庫恩基金會主席羅伯特·庫恩(Robert Kuhn)接受中新網(wǎng)采訪時表示,中國的城市化是中國經(jīng)濟奇跡的重要組成部分,支撐了中國GDP的持續(xù)增長,不僅給中國,也會給全球帶來積極影響。

  庫恩還表示,隨著中國整體生活水平提升,其他國家自然而然會從中受益。這些國家可以進口中國商品,向中國市場出口商品,以及在原材料及農(nóng)業(yè)等方面獲得中國的投資。(陳天浩 趙麗)

  During an interview with China News Network, Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, points out that China’s urbanization is a great part of China's economic miracle, supporting the continuous growth of GDP. It’s positive to China and beneficial to the world.

  “As China increases its standard of living, it will have a natural spillover to other countries,” Kuhn adds, “they can have Chinese products, sell products into the Chinese market, and get funds whether it's raw materials or agriculture at whatever level.”. (Chen Tianhao, Zhao Li)


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