中美音樂人共同演繹《春天來(lái)了》 傳遞美好祝福

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024年02月12日 12:07     來(lái)源:中國(guó)新聞網(wǎng)

  立春時(shí)節(jié),萬(wàn)物復(fù)蘇。中央民族大學(xué)音樂學(xué)院教授、國(guó)家一級(jí)演員、鄂溫克族歌唱家烏日娜和中央民族大學(xué)美籍教授、鄉(xiāng)村音樂人馬克·力文(Mark Levine)日前在接受中新網(wǎng)專訪時(shí)共同彈唱由歌手布仁巴雅爾創(chuàng)作的《春天來(lái)了》。伴隨著馬克·力文的吉他彈奏,烏日娜唱出了大地復(fù)蘇的歡快。他們的音樂跨越國(guó)界,傳遞和諧與美好的祝福。 (記者 莫紅娥 編譯 吳辛茹 剪輯 張一鳴)

  Spring is the season of rebirth and renewal. Ms. Wu Rina, an Ewenki ethnic musician and professor at the School of Music of Minzu University of China, and Mark Levine, an American professor and country musician at the same university, jointly performed the song "Spring is coming," which was composed by the late Mongolian singer Buren Bayaer. With Wu's enchanting vocals and Levine's skillful guitar accompaniment, they shared the joy of harmony and conveyed their best wishes through the music.


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