尼加拉瓜駐華大使:復交不到兩年 已看到共建“一帶一路”好處 | 全球政要看絲路

發(fā)布時間:2023年12月04日 11:16     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

  尼加拉瓜駐華大使邁克爾·坎貝爾(H.E. Michael Campbell)近日接受中新網(wǎng)專訪時指出,“一帶一路”倡議對于整個世界而言是一個極具開創(chuàng)性的項目。它正在改變世界合作方式,有助于為人類建立一個多極化、更繁榮、更團結的世界。

  他表示,在尼中復交不到兩年的時間里,兩國不斷加強多層次、多渠道、多形式的交流合作。他認為,未來尼中兩國的關系會更牢固。(魏晨曦 吳家駒)

  This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).Nicaraguan ambassador to China Michael Campbell said in an interview with China News Network recently that the BRI is an emblematic, groundbreaking proposal for the world.

  He said he is glad to see the benefits brought by Nicaragua's participation in the BRI and noted that the initiative is changing the way the world works together and helping to build a multi-polar, more prosperous and united world.


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